Ultralights, FAA Part 103 ultralight buyers guide, single seat ultra lite and experimental aircraft directory, Ultralight News newsmagazine.

Single place Part 103 ultralights in the United States are defined as single place ultralight aircraft that weigh 254 lbs or less, have a stall speed not more than 24 knots, a top speed of 55 knots, and carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel. To fly a legal Part 103 ultralight aircraft in the United States the pilot does not require a pilot license.

Single place aircraft weighing more than 254 lbs. in the U.S. require a pilots license and must be built as experimental, amateur built, homebuilt aircraft. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.

Single place ultralights in Canada can weigh up to 1200 lbs. and an ultralight pilots license is required to fly them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Ultralights, fixed wing ultralight aircraft, ultra lite plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.

This directory of ultralight, experimental, and amateur built single seat aircraft covers most of the current ultralight aircraft offered in Canada and the United States.

The information includes pictures, specifications and where possible video of the aircraft. Every effort has been made to present the most up to date information available at the time of publication.

If you can provide more current information, pictures, video please email me at: contact-us@ultralightnews.com

A Aerolite103
  Aeromaster Aerolites
  Ascender DFE Ultralights
  Aventura Aero Adventure
  Avid Champion Avid Aircraft
B Bellaire Monoplane Liberty Aeronautical
C CA2 Hummel Aviation.
  CGS Hawk Arrow
  CGS Hawk Classic
  Challenger Quad City
  Connie Moyes Microlites.
  Cumulus Motorglider Ultralight Soaring.
D Dream Classic Airdrome Aeroplanes
E Eindecker E3 Airdrome Aeroplanes
  Eros JDT Aircraft
F FireFly The New Kolb Aircraft
  Firestar The New Kolb Aircraft
  Fisher Avenger
  Flitplane Ed Fisher
  Fokker DR1 Airdrome Aeroplanes
  Fokker DVII Airdrome Aeroplanes
  Fokker DVIII Airdrome Aeroplanes
  Fokker DVII Loehle Aircraft
  FP202 Fisher Flying Products
  FP303 Fisher Flying Products
  FP404 Fisher Flying Products
  FP505 Fisher Flying Products
  FP606 Fisher Flying Products
G GT400 Quicksilver Aircraft
H H2 Honeybee Classic Aero
  H3 Pegasus Classic Aero
  Hi-Max JDT
  Hiperlight Thunderbird Aviation
  HM293 Falconar Aviation
J J3 Kitten Hipps Superbirds
  J4 Sportster Hipps Superbirds
K Kitfox Lite Skystar Aircraft
L Legal Eagle Leonard Milholland
  Lil Aircamper Ultrapiet Ragwing
  LM3W Light Miniature Aircraft
M M19 Flying Squirrel
  Micro Mong Ed Fisher
  Mifyter Biplanes of Yesteryear
  Mini Max JDT Aircraft
  Mitchell Wing A10.
  MX Sport Quicksilver
N Nieuport11 Graham Lee
P P40 Flying Tiger Loehle Aircraft.
  P51 Mustang Loehle Aircraft
  PBU Poorboy Aviation
  Phantom Phantom Aeronautics.
  Preceptor N3 Pup.
R Ragwing Special Ragwing Aircraft
  RANS S4 Coyote
  RANS S5 Coyote
  RANS S9 Chaos
  RANS S14 Airaile.
  Ridge Runner Rocky Mountain Wings.
S Scepter Slip Stream Industries.
  SE5a Loehle Aircraft
  Skylite Raceair Designs
  Spad 13 Earlybird Aircraft
  Spadx111 Loehle Aircraft
  Sparrow Carlson Aircraft

  Sport Bearcat Aerolites
  Sportlite 103 ultralight
  Sport Parasol Loehle
  Sport Special Carlson Aircraft
  Sprint Quicksilver
  Spyder Flightstar Aircraft
T T Bird Indy Aircraft
  Thundergull Earthstar Aircraft
  Tiger Cub Johnston Aviation
  Titan Tornado Titan Aircraft
U Ultracruiser Hummel Aviation.
W Weedhopper Weedhopper Aircraft
Y Youngster Fisher Flying Products

BRS ballistic parachutes systems for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

IVOPROP propellers for ultralight and light sport aircraft.


Sail sets, wing sets, wing cover for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Single strobe lights, dual strobe lights, triple strobe lights for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Stream lined strut fairing for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Rotax exhaust spring update system for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Helmets, intercoms, patch cords, interom boxes for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Flight training for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Windsocks, portable windsocks, replacement windsocks.

Auxilary wing tanks for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

K & N airfilters for Rotax, Kawasaki, Hirth aircraft engines.

Tires, wheels, and brakes for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Quicksilver MX parts and service for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Aircraft instruments, guages, engine gauges for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Aircraft repairs for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Rotax 447 engine, sales, service, parts and accessories for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Rotax gear boxes, parts, and service for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Throttle cables for Rotax, Hirth, Kawasaki engines used on ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Single strobe lights, dual strobe lights, triple strobe lights for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

Stream lined strut fairing for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

K & N airfilters, K and N air filters, K&N air filters

Aircraft brakes, ultralight aircraft brakes, light sport aircraft brakes, hydraulic ultralight and light sport aircraft brakes.

Rotax 582 engine, sales, service, parts and accessories for ultralight and light sport aircraft.

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