Sport Bearcat, Aerolites Bearcat, Aerolights Sport Bearcat
experimental aircraft kit, Sport Bearcat ultra lite
plane, Ultralight News
Single place Part 103 ultralights in the United States are defined as single
place ultralight aircraft that weigh 254 lbs or less, have a stall speed
not more than 24 knots, a top
speed of 55 knots, and carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel. To fly a
legal Part 103
ultralight aircraft in the United States the pilot does not require a
pilot license.
Single place aircraft weighing more than 254 lbs. in the U.S. require a
pilots license and must be built as experimental, amateur built,
homebuilt aircraft. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly
known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.
Single place ultralights in Canada can weigh up to 1200 lbs. and an
ultralight pilots license is required to fly them. |
Sport Bearcat
ultralight, Sport Bearcat ultralight aircraft, Sport Bearcat ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
The Bearcat has full 3 axis control.
The floor mounted joy stick gives positive aileron and elevator
response while the rudder pedals control the rudder.
Instead of the cumbersome wires found
in many ultralights, more modern, efficient lift struts are used
increasing the structural integrity of this already classic
From the 4130 chromoly welded
fuselage to the fully cowled engine, the Bearcat incorporates much
of today's technology. The dual surface wings and fuselage are
covered with the highest quality stabilized dacron sail cloth.
Once the pilot enters the roomy
cockpit, he is in complete control of the aircraft. Priming and
starting the engine are within easy reach of the pilot's seats.
Standard with each Bearcat are the instruments necessary for safe
T.I.G. welded fuselage of 4130 steel,
Shoulder and lap belts, Bungee
shock landing gear, 360 degree roll-cage cockpit construction,
Tractor mounted engine
Major components are pre-welded, machined, sewn,
cut and bent, Fabric slips on components and laces up, no doping
required, Tools needed: electric drill, wrenches, screwdriver, pop
riveter, nico tool.
For more information contact Aerolites 12104 David Road Welsh LA 70591
Sport Bearcat
ultralight, Sport Bearcat ultralight aircraft,
Sport Bearcat ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
Ultralight News Web Magazine.
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