Kitfox Lite,
Kit fox lite ultralight aircraft, Kitfox Lite ultralight
aircraft kit from Skystar, Kitfox Lite ultra lite
plane, Ultralight News
Single place Part 103 ultralights in the United States are defined as single
place ultralight aircraft that weigh 254 lbs or less, have a stall speed
not more than 24 knots, a top
speed of 55 knots, and carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel. To fly a
legal Part 103
ultralight aircraft in the United States the pilot does not require a
pilot license.
Single place aircraft weighing more than 254 lbs. in the U.S. require a
pilots license and must be built as experimental, amateur built,
homebuilt aircraft. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly
known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.
Single place ultralights in Canada can weigh up to 1200 lbs. and an
ultralight pilots license is required to fly them. |
Kitfox Lite
ultralight, Kitfox Lite ultralight aircraft, Kitfox Lite ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
Introduced at Sun n Fun in 1998, the Kitfox Lite exploded
onto the market as SkyStar’s first ultralight kit.
On Thursday June 25, around 2:00 pm, the new Belite Aircraft (formerly
Kitfox Lite) had its first flight.
OK, the flight was just a short hop, just over the runway at Jabara
airport (KAAO). Temperature was around 100 degrees, with a calculated
density altitude of 4500 feet. HOT!
The flight demonstrated liftoff, verification of control effectiveness,
power cut, and landing. As soon as the plane took off, it was easily
demonstrating a nice climb rate.
My plan for this flight did not allow for any pattern work, so I
immediately chopped power and settled back to the runway. |
Here are some specific details on this
Empty Weight (no fuel): approximately 231.5 pounds includes
13 pounds ballast!!
As flown with fuel: approximately 240 pounds
This includes basic instrumentation, AND it includes
approximately 12 pounds of metal ballast in the engine mount
design. The plane is so light that we had a CG tail heavy
problem. This will be resolved before Oshkosh by utilizing a
heavier, more powerful engine.
Therefore, without ballast, weight would have been about
219.5 pounds. Not bad. This flying weight can be reduced
further by removing the turtledeck, and even further by
cutting corners in the fabric covering (EG, no UV protectant
-0- BAD idea). Or by not installing the carpet. (which this
plane has). Or by not installing the rear view windows
(which this plane has). Or by not installing a wood
instrument panel (which this plane has).
Our rollout next Tuesday will show the plane in "dress
trim": with a nice cowl on it and a spiffed up engine/engine
compartment. Our test flight was without a cowl.
Weight plan to Oshkosh:
We have 34 pounds to play with. (220 pounds effective
current weight).
Swap out fuel tank for new fuel tank -- may save 2 pounds.
Swap out engine as we continue to test engines -- adds some
weight depending on engine
Add cowl -- adds 3.5 pounds
Put in full panel and electrics, antennas -- estimated to
add 9 to 12 pounds
Final Weight, with full panel, electrics, cowl, bigger
engine -- about 245 pounds. (Legal limit is 253.9). Of
course you can fly it as a home built experimental with any
weight you want.
Hope you enjoy the picture as well.
BTW, for the weight calculations, I weigh 200 pounds, and I
had about 5 pounds of additional radios & water bottles with
me in the airplane.
Wichita-based Belite Aircraft unveiled its prototype
airplane June 30, in a unique venue - Wichita’s Old Town
Warren Plaza. The Belite, which will be built in Wichita,
will be offered in both kit form and as a completed, flyable
For more information: |
Belite Aircraft,
Belite Ultralight Aircraft , Belite Aircraft ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
Ultralight News Web Magazine.
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