Preceptor Pup, N3 Pup ultralight aircraft, Preceptor Aircraft
N-3 Pup ultralight aircraft kit, Preceptor Ultra Pup ultra lite
plane, Ultralight News
Single place Part 103 ultralights in the United States are defined as single
place ultralight aircraft that weigh 254 lbs or less, have a stall speed
not more than 24 knots, a top
speed of 55 knots, and carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel. To fly a
legal Part 103
ultralight aircraft in the United States the pilot does not require a
pilot license.
Single place aircraft weighing more than 254 lbs. in the U.S. require a
pilots license and must be built as experimental, amateur built,
homebuilt aircraft. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly
known as trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.
Single place ultralights in Canada can weigh up to 1200 lbs. and an
ultralight pilots license is required to fly them. |
Preceptor Ultra Pup
ultralight, Preceptor Ultra Pup ultralight aircraft, Preceptor Ultra Pup ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
More than just a pretender to the throne...Rather than
saying "this aircraft is a copy-Cub," Preceptor
claims that the N-3 Pup "pays visual tribute to the
Yes, its resemblance to Piper's J-3 Cub is no
accident and its ground handling, mild stall characteristics,
and the fuel economy of the 40-hp, four-stroke TEC (the
company formerly called Mosler... kinda like the artist
formerly known as Prince) engine remind many pilots of the
J-3.Approximately 450 Pups are in the air, and we're sure that,
too, is no accident. In addition to the fact that the high
wings of this taildragger monoplane are detachable (they will
fold after just 5 minutes of work), the Pup only burns 1.8 gal
of fuel per hour!
Here's another sweetheart just right for new and
under confident pilots. A positive stability profile melds
well with a docile control range that is long on response
but short on sensitivity. The bird has very little problem
in the stall... just a mild buffet and very good rudder
authority throughout... and exceptional ground manners. |
It can be flown
fully enclosed, so cold weather gremlins do not necessarily
have to stick it out on the ground. The bird has a pleasant
cruise personality and good crosswind manners, to boot.
It's also interesting to note that Preceptor offers a
"Come and Build Program," two weeks at the home
office where you can build your tube-and-fabric bird under the
watchful eye of Bob Counts, designer of the craft (250 to 300
hours of work should complete your plane).
Top speed is 63 mph; cruise speed is 60 mph; rate of climb
is 600 fpm. Wingspan is 30.5'; length, 16.5'; height, 5'.
Preceptor N-3 Pup
ZOOM REPORT: This is a very mild-flying airplane...
I mean really mild. As rowdy as the Super Pup can be, the
ultralight N-3 is simple and uncomplicated. Highly recommended
for new pilots with a need for simple, fun flying.
USA Aircraft Ratings: Preceptor N-3 Pup
- Design/Engineering: B.
- Ground Handling: B-.
- Flight Characteristics: B.
- Company Profile: B. Small company, limited staffing,
nice folks.
- Kit/Plans: B-.
- Bang for the Buck: A-.
- Risk Factor: 4.
- Final Grade: B. Recommended.
4250 US 64/74 A Hwy
Rutherfordton NC 28139
704-286-1926 The above courtesy of
Preceptor Pup
ultralight, Preceptor N3 Pup ultralight aircraft, Preceptor Pup ultra lite
plane, experimental amateur built aircraft.
Ultralight News Web Magazine.
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