Diehl XTC
ultralight, Diehl XTC ultralight aircraft, Diehl XTC
amphibious ultralight aircraft, Ultralight News
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Diehl XTC
ultralight, ultra lite aircraft, amateur built, experimental,
homebuilt aircraft.
The Diehl
AeroNautical XTC is a single seat amphibious
aircraft built in the early 1980s. It
featured a KFM 107 engine in a pusher
configuration, mounted between two vertical
tails. The Diehl AeroNautical XTC was one of
the first ultralight style of aircraft to be
produced from composites.
It has a three
axis control system, with the elevator
located on the canard surface forward of the
pilot. The twin rudders are operated via
foot pedals, and spoilers aid in roll
control. The Diehl AeroNautical XTC has a
semi-enclosed cockpit.
It has a retractable tricycle landing gear,
with a steerable nose wheel. The Diehl
AeroNautical XTC has suspension on all three
wheels and main wheel brakes.
The Diehl AeroNautical XTC was reported to
have been stress tested to, + 8G's and -8
The craft had a number of problems, it was
underpowered, especially for an amphibian.
Water tended to come over the candard and wing during
taxi, and take off. It was also very pitch,
The KFM engine made great boat anchor, but
it was not something that most pilots would
want to fly with. |
Diehl XTC amphibious ultralight aircraft
Empty Weight: |
240 lbs. |
Gross Weight: |
510 lbs. |
Wing Span: |
32 ft. |
Wing Area: |
155 sq. ft. |
107 KFM - 2 to 1 belt drive |
Cruise Speed: |
55 .mph |
Stall Speed: |
25 .mph |
VNE: |
70 .mph |
Construction: |
Composite construction |
Building time: |
400 .hrs |
Original Manufacturer
Diehl Aero Nautical |
Diehl XTC amphibious ultralight aircraft |
Ultralight News Web Magazine.
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