ultralight aircraft, Cuby single place ultralite aircraft,
Aces High Cuby II, Ultralight News
Ultralight News is a directory of aircraft that generally fit
into what are described as ultralight aircraft, advanced ultralight
ultralite aircraft, ultralight planes, experimental
aircraft, amateur built aircraft, or homebuilt
or kit built aircraft in the United States and Canada. These include weight shift aircraft, more commonly known as microlight trikes, powered parachutes, and powered para-gliders.
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Aces High
Cuby 1 & Cuby II
ultralight, ultra lite aircraft, amateur built, experimental,
homebuilt aircraft.
The Cuby 11 was first introduced in 1983, according the manufacturer over 200 kits have
been delivered world wide. The craft features a welded 4130 chromoly steel fuselage,
wood construction is used in the wing, the plane is covered in standard aircraft fabric covering.
Building times
are reported to be in the 200 hour range.
Pilots are seated side by side, controls are
center mounted dual sticks and rudder pedals. Standard power for the Cuby 11 is the 503 Rotax.
Being a taildragger The Cuby 11 is a little harder to learn how to fly, and it requires a
little more pilot input due to its long wing span, resulting in adverse yaw in turns.
wide cabin, 80 m.p.h. hour cruise and 10 gallon wing tank with an optional 10 gallon tank
available make it a good cross country plane. |
It has a large cabin area, good visibility,
with a large area for mounting instruments.
When equipped with 65 horsepower or more it meets published specifications for climb, and
cruise. Climb is a little anemic on a 503 Rotax.
According to owners building times have
ranged from 200 to 350 hours. |
Aces High Cuby 1 & Cuby II |
Empty Weight |
530 lbs. |
Gross Weight
1200 lbs. |
Wing Span |
33.6 ft. |
Wing Area |
161 sq. ft. |
Engine |
503 Rotax |
Cruise Speed |
80 m.p.h. |
Stall Speed |
30 m.p.h. |
100 m.p.h. |
Construction |
Steel Tube and Fabric |
Original Manufacturer Aces High |
Aces High Cuby 1 |
Aces High Cuby Cuby II |
Ultralight News Web Magazine.
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