Aircraft Propellers protecting your prop! Section Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Propeller  protection for ultralights and ultralight aircraft. Check your ultralight aircraft engine recoil handle for proper retraction back up into the housing. A securing mechanism for the handle is a wise investment. Also when using a recoil starter to start the engine, release the rope slowly, do not just let it go when the engine starts. A quick release has the potential for the handle to fly back into the propeller. If the recoil handle does not retract properly, and requires you to pull on it several times before it goes back up in, REPLACE the recoil spring immediately! Always CHECK the rear seat belts to make sure they are fastened together, and cannot inadvertently enter the propeller during taxiing or flying. Make sure your aircraft is secure and the throttle is at an IDLE before trying to start it. NEVER start a pusher style aircraft such as seen here from BEHIND the wing strut! In a pusher configuration aircraft always start the engine from in front of the strut. If the aircraft does move forward you have something between you and the propeller. Never do a pre-flight with your aircraft engine RUNNING! DO NOT wear a hat when starting your pusher aircraft engine! AND if you do and it does come off do not go after it! You will be walking into a spinning prop. DO NOT wear a scarf when flying in an open cockpit pusher aircraft configuration. DO NOT wear glasses in an open cockpit pusher aircraft configuration without securing them. DO NOT wear a helmet with a visor or windscreen in an open cockpit pusher aircraft configuration without first securing them. Ensure all baggage is safely stowed, if carrying extra fuel in a tank in the rear seat remember 5 gallons of fuel weighs nearly 50 lbs! A bungee cord is not likely to hold that kind of weight especially in turbulence! Also note that anything that can move in the second seat could effect and hinder control system movement.


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Ultralight aircraft pusher propeller protection.
Ultralight News
Covering the world of ultralight aviation
and requires several pulls to get back up, the spring must be replaced. It is about to fail and will result in the recoil handle and rope exiting the recoil. These can come off and enter the prop, or be pulled into the prop! Section Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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