The Challenger ultralight
aircraft fitness
If you are over forty, you know the changes your body has gone through (especially in
the last 10 years). That daily walk to school as a teenager now seems like a 25 mile
marathon. Those weights you once lifted easily over you head 10 times now can't reach your
Aircraft are no different. Age, abuse, neglect, and lack of maintenance are ingredients
that can spell disaster. Bumpy grass strips, rainy days, mud daubers, and rust can really
hurt your Challenger.
Buzzman's Corner is a guide to problems which have been reported with Challenger
aircraft. It is not meant to be negative in nature. Instead, it is an encyclopaedia
knowledge about things which can go wrong. Read it and learn how to prevent damage, how to
inspect your plane, and what items you should be including in your preflights.
It's sort of like going to the doctor. You get a check-up, have some problems
identified, and then get put on a proper diet and exercise program. But when you go the
Buzzman, you check up on other folks' problems, identify your own, and then improve your
own preflight and maintenance program. Either way leads to a safe, long and healthy life
for both the aircraft and its pilot.