Quad City Challenger upright motor mount installation.

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Upright engine mount for the Quad City Challenger family of ultralight aircraft.

Challenger Upright Motor Mount

Ultralight aviation has jumped ahead in leaps and bounds since 1978 when it first took form. We started by hanging our butts out from under a set of Easy Riser, wings powered by Mac 101 chain saw engines. Then came the Eipper weight shifts powered by single cylinder Yamaha go cart engines. We then moved up to the Canadian built weight shift Atlas with a little Rotax 299 cc engine. At the same time Eipper introduced the new Quick E, a weight shift rocket powered by a 430 Cuyuna with 35 HP.

Next came the revolutionary Quicksilver MX. Now for the first time you had a plane with a seat and a control system. Mind you it was only two axis control and you were still sitting out in the wind, with a top speed of 35 m.p.h., and still flying on those "damned wires."

Not to be outdone a Canadian company hit the scene with the Lazair. Finally a true three axis ultralight, with two engines - for reliability - right? A little like having two wives! Mind you some folks weren't happy with only two, and installed a third, then a forth! But alas you still only had a 35 m.p.h. cruise, were still stuck out in the wind, and when it was windy the plane was to LIGHT to fly!

So what next? In 1984 Quad City introduced the Challenger. This aircraft was like going from a prop engine to a jet engine. You had true three axis control, power was up to 50 ponies, and cruise speed nearly doubled to 65 m.p.h.! To top it all off the plane could be built in under 100 hours when covered in dacron sail cloth. This was truly the start of the "next generation."

I was introduced to the "next generation" at Sun N Fun in Lakeland Florida. Dave Goulet was kind enough to take me up for a demo flight, and on landing I gave him a deposit on a two place Challenger.

Two months later a Challenger kit was on my trailer and I was on my way back to Canada. A month later the first Challenger imported into Canada was up an flying! Two weeks later Challenger 1 had 40 hours on it in a training environment. With a student on board at about 2,000 feet, and the plane cruising along at 55 m.p.h., at 6,000 rpm the engine backfired twice and quit.

One of the good things about a Challenge is that it does glide quite well! With 2,000 feet of altitude we had about 15 minutes to find a spot to land. Unfortunately for us it had rain quite heavily for the past 3 days and most of the sod fields around us were soft. Realizing this we set up to land into the wind, at about 75 feet I drop the nose to pick up some airspeed, then leveled off at about 5 feet. With the extra speed we floated, and floated and floated until finally we had to touch down. The mains touched first. using the stick we were able to keep the nosewheel up until the last second. It touched traveled about 10 feet dug into the soft ground and snapped off right below the bearing yoke.

The nosewheel then came up through the lower fuselage fabric. At the same time the nose of the plane went forward and into the ground bending the lower formers as it hit. In a flight training environment especially during the summer you can't afford to be down time.

Another good thing about the Challenger is that it is relatively easy to repair. In fact two days later the nosewheel was replaced using a chromoly steel shaft with the steering yoke welded to it, instead of the aluminum tube with the steering yoke RIVETED to it (it snapped off right at the rivet holes) the airframe was fixed, and the fuselage recovered.

Tearing the engine down to find out what had happened was the next job. Upon disassembly the engine was in perfect shape! Except for the two end crankshaft bearings. Both bearings had failed. The plastic liner which supports the balls in the bearing had MELTED. With only 40 hours on the engine, the feeling was that the bearings must have been defective.

Three new bearings, one on the magneto end and two on the PTO end were installed and the 503 was cleaned, resealed and reassembled. Four days after the failure the plane was up and flying again! Three weeks and 68 hours later, she was back in with the same engine problem. This time no damage to the plane. Disassembly of the engine revealed that the same two bearings had failed again!

A call to the Rotax distributor revealed the problem. The Challenger uses a belt drive system. Heat, vibration, tension, and a harmonic resonance from the use of the this system were destroying the bearings. Suggested solution - switch to a Rotax gear box.

Simple right? A call to the Quad City revealed that they had no plans to switch to from belts to the Rotax gear drive, and didn't recommend it. Thus if anyone was to do it they were on their own.

Looking around the industry revealed that most of the other leading manufacturers were NOW using the Rotax gear drive. Some like Maxair had even taken their engines which were formally mounted upside down, and mounted them upright. With nearly 300 hours of trouble free flying on an upright mounted 447 Rotax gear drive equipped Buccaneer Amphibian, the decision was made that changing to an upright motor mount on the Challenger was worth the gamble. How to do it quickly, economically, and safely!

Challenger Upright Motor Mount

First problem
What ratio to use when ordering the drive. The Challenger back then had a 2 to 1 ratio. This spun a small prop very fast - very noisy and inefficient. It also sets up a harmonic vibration through the engine and airframe at cruise RPM. The Rotax distributor suggested a 2.58 to 1 reduction cost at that time about $350 bucks CDN.

Problem two - motor mount.upright1.jpg (524470 bytes)
Since the Challenger comes with a flat motor mount plate using 6 Lord mounts, which is what the Buccaneer uses I decided to stick with the same base plate, and motor mounts. After all if the plate and mounts are the same and the Challenger is mounted upside down and the Buccaneer upright, and no problems were evident in either for the time that they had been used, just over 100 hours for the Challenger nearly 300 for the Buc then it seemed logical that the mount didn't care whether it had an engine suspended from it or supported by it.

Problem three upright2.jpg (498093 bytes)
How to bolt it onto the root tube? The Challenger uses a set of 90 degree aluminum angle plates with spacers to support the motor mount plate. Since the motor was going to be upright the plates couldn't be used. Or could they? By taking and reversing the plates side to side. The angle that was used on the left side facing down is now placed on the right side facing up, and vice versa for the right. But what about the engine angle? Good question! Use the same angle. Level the plane so it is sitting on all three wheels. Install the motor mount the way if comes from the Challenger factory. Use an angle gauge and measure the angle. Now reinstall the mount upright using the above technic. Don't redrill your root tube to get this angle. Redrill the REAR and only the REAR hole in the two 90 degree aluminum angle brackets. You can still use the two aluminum spacers that go between the root tube and the angles since the holes haven't changed.

Problem 4
The aileron horns now hit on the side of the motor mount. Fixing this problem will require a little bit of precision. To fix this problem it is necessary, (not in all cases) move the aileron horns outboard 1 inch. This might require moving the aileron hinge as well depending on where you installed it. Draw a line down the center of your aileron torque tube, across your horn. Remove the horn. Cut the aileron torque tube. Using the line you drew reposition and rerivet the horn. Repeat for the other side.

Problem 5
The recoil hits on the root tube when the motor rocks forward. To solve this problem we are going to raise the motor 1 inch. Take a 1 inch piece of thick walled aluminum tube. Using a pipe cutter cut 4 pieces of tube 1 inch long. Use a file to debur and smooth the ends. Make sure all of the pieces are EXACTLY the same length. Remove the 4 studs from the bottom of the engine that were used to hold the engine onto the motor mount plate. Since we are going to raise the engine these will not be long enough. Pick up 4 new studs or 4 bolts that are long enough to go the correct length into the engine, and through the plate without bottoming out. Make sure that you remember to measure for a flat washer and lockwasher. To help position the bolts better in the aluminum spacers take 4 pieces of rubber tube slice them down the middle and install them into the spacers. Now install a lockwasher and flat washer onto one of the bolts. Feed it thru the motor mount plate. Place an aluminum spacer with the sliced rubber tube over the bolt and screw the bolt into the bottom of the engine. DO NOT tighten all the way up. Repeat for the other bolts. NOW snug and torque the bolts.

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Problem 6upright3.jpg (533909 bytes)
The aileron push pull tubes don't fit. Position your control stick in the neutral position, (centered left to right). Position the aileron so that it is level with the bottom of the wing. Basically the same as you did when you were first assembling the plane. Measure the distance from the aileron horn to the control linkage. Give yourself a little extra since you will need to bend them just a little to get the proper angle to work. If you have the old style of push pull tubes with the fork replace with ball and socket and both ends. This will allow for different angle and the new socket style are adjustable so that you can move the aileron up and down.

Problem 7
The throttle cables don't fit. If you are really on a tight budget you can usually remove a few rivets which are used to route the cables. Ifupright4.jpg (554092 bytes) you really want to improve throttle response install NEW cables using a cable with a flexible inner sleeve. It will eliminate that mushiness in the control cable when throttle is applied.

Problem 8
My prop won't work. Your right. It won't work because the prop now spins in the other direction, and it isn't long enough since you changed from a 2 to 1 to a 2.58 to 1 reduction ratio. Go out and buy yourself a 3 blade 60 inch adjustable IVO prop. The use of the reduction drive and a three blade IVO will eliminate that constant harmonic resonance, is quieter, smoother, and virtually maintenance free.

Problem 9
When I accelerate my nose pitches over, and the plane now pulls to the left rather than right. The nose really isn't pitching over. The thrust line is now a higher and during acceleration you will feel a little pressure on the stick. At cruise it disappears. The plane is pulling in the opposite direction because the prop is spinning in the opposite direction. The Challenger did this before, it just wasn't quite as noticeable because you didn't have this kind of thrust.

Problem 10
My cruise speed is up 10 mph at the same throttle setting. My climb rate has nearly doubled. The cabin noise has dropped noticeable. There is very little vibration, that damn harmonic resonance is GONE, and I haven't had a crankshaft failure in 300 hours

Quad City Challenger upright motor mount.

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