Quad City
Challenger heater, in cabin heater for Challenger, ultralight
aircraft heater, heater for the Challenger ultralight.
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How to get heat from your Rotax air-cooled engine.
AP-BIW* heater unit for
WORKSHere's a side view
showing the three existing Rotax cover screws that were used to secure the
plastic (lexan) heat collector.
The entire box is made of
scrap lexan that was cut out with scissors. |
Most of it is actually a single piece, bent along the lines to form the right angles, then taped with SNOWBOARD REPAIR TAPE to strengthen the bends.
Snowboard repair tape is a thick, clear tape
that is incredibly pliable even in very cold weather and is very
sticky. I think it's fantastic. I bought a role of it that was
a foot wide, so I can cut it any way I want to.
View from
rear. Back is attached only by one screw.
The larger picture
(click the little one) shows better where I've used one of the head bolts
to attach the heater in the area of the spark plugs.
I taped only the bottom portion of the
heat collector because I was too anxious to go flying and, besides, taping
clear lexan is boring. |

Looking up from
front area. Just another view showing where the side of the
collector is attached to the Rotax using two of the existing motor cover
The cheapy dryer hose is both clamped and taped
to the lexan box. I formed a cylinder from a separate piece of lexan
as a hose attachment and then taped it to the open end of the collector
box with some of that snowboard tape.
Actually, most of Cloud Dancer is held together
with it. Just kidding. |
Click on pictures for larger view!
The cheapy dryer
duct hose enters the cockpit here. I cut out a half-moon shaped
opening in the aluminum sheet and applied a strip of vinyl edging . . .
the type you buy to protect car door edges.
This keeps
vibration from allowing the aluminum to cut through the plastic
hose. There was just enough room here for the ducting
to enter alongside all the wiring and the fuel lines. |
Doesn't look like
it, but there's plenty of room to pull the dryer hose up past the seat and
suspend it where it will be positioned between your legs.
The stick
has full clearance because the flexible hose is, well, flexible. It
moves an inch or two either way, or back and forth, as the stick
This makes for comfy feetsies and the heat seems
to build in the cockpit better when it moves from the front to the
back. With both doors on, my CI gets
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