Nordic 11 ultralight aircraft plans, Nordic 11 experimental aircraft, amateur built, and light sport aircraft plans.
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Nordic 11
Wing Span .................. 33.00 ft. |
Range ............................ 350 sm |
Wing Area ................... 154.0 sq. ft. |
Takeoff Dist . ................. 150 ft. |
Length ......................... 19.00 ft. |
Landing Dist . ................ 300 ft. |
Max Gross Wt . ............ 1058 lbs. |
VNE ............................. 100 mph |
Empty Wt . .................... 620 lbs. |
Cruise ............................ 85 mph |
Payload (full fuel) ...... 428 lbs. |
Stall ............ 35 mph |
Fuel Capacity ............. 12 gal. |
Climb Rate @msl ........600 fpm |
Seats ...........................2 |
Service Ceiling ............ 10,000 ft. |
Cabin Width ................ 39 in. |
Construction wood, metal fabric |
Engine Subaru/ 90 hp 65- 100 |
Est. Bldg. Time 300 hrs. |
Plans $500.00 |
Norman Aviation International Inc.
Aéroport Jacques Norman
1175 Rang St-Philippe sud
St-Anselme, Québec, Canada
(418) 885-8333 |

Nordic 11 experimental aircraft, amateur built,
and light sport aircraft plans. |
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