Rotax 582 maintenance, Rotax 618 ultralight
aircraft engine suggested maintenance and service schedule.
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582 Rotax and 618 Rotax aircraft engine service schedule.
Rotax inspection and maintenance schedule. The following recommended engine inspection and
maintenance schedule is based upon the operational experience of L'il Hustler Ultralight
Aviation Services, and is to be used in addition to and in conjunction with the service
information provided by the engine manufacturer.
Where the following is in contradiction
to the service information provided by the engine manufacturer, use the information
provided by the engine manufacturer. Where inspection of a component part is specified,
replace the component part if necessary.
Spark plugs, when using 100LL avgas
-Inspect at 25 hour intervals of operation, Renew at 50 hour intervals of operation. NOTE
the 582/618 Rotax engines were designed and intended to be run on UNLEADED fuels with a
minimum of 89 octane. Fuels such as 100 LL avgas tend to contaminate the engine and spark
plugs, and may not be compatible with all oils used in the fuel lubrication system.
Spark plugs, when using unleaded auto fuels -Renew at 50 hour
intervals of operation
Rotary valve oil -Inspect
for proper level at preflight and add as necessary. Renew annually. Check rotary valve for
signs of contamination a change to a milky white color indicates rotary valve shaft seal
Cooling hoses -Inspect at
100 hour intervals of operation. Renew at 200 hour intervals of operation or 24 months,
whichever occurs first. Avoid using SILICONE based hoses they tend to deteriorate when
used with antifreeze.
Coolant -Inspect for
proper level at preflight and add as necessary. Flush system and renew annually or at 200
hour intervals of operation .Note: use a good quality antifreeze mixed with distilled
water ONLY. In hotter climates where freezing is not a consideration a higher ratio of
water to antifreeze can be used which will provide more efficient cooling.
Radiator cap -Renew at 200
hour intervals of operation or 36 months
Rubber carburetor manifolds-Inspect
for cracks/failure PRIOR TO EVERY flight! Renew every 150 hours or 12 months or as necessary.
Air Filters -Clean and
reoil at 25 hour intervals of operation For more information on airfilter maintenance
refer to
K &N Airfilter Information
Oil injector filter -Renew
at 50 hour intervals of operation
Fuel Filter -Renew at 50
hour intervals of operation
Engine mount bushings
Engine mount bushings - Inspect for wear EVERY flight . Renew YEARLY or 200 hour
intervals of operation whichever comes first.
Exhaust system -Inspect at
preflight and at 25 hour intervals of operation (grab the tailpipes and tug at preflight -
Caution: pipes may be hot!)

Rotax 582 Bluehead 65 horsepower two stroke aircraft engine.
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