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It is essential to ensure that both throttle valves in the Bing carburettors are completely synchronised.
The idling position of the throttle valves must be equal in both carburettors. To do this, use the idle adjusting
screw to bring the throttle valves to the same level in idle position.
Measure and match the size of the apperture of both slide valves.
When the slide valves are drawn upwards they should lift simultaneously from the idle-adjusting screws and
open the outlet together.
Securing the spark plug leads in a hanging (inverted) installation
If the engine is installed in a hanging or inverted position, the sparkplug leads should be secured so that any
breaking or interruption of contact by engine vibrations is prevented (support or secure by wires).
Switching off the Ignition System (dual ignition)
It is essential that both ignition circuit breakers are located on separate grounding switches. It is important
each earthing wire is installed separately to avoid circuit failure. This method also aids the operator to check
each ignition side when the engine is operating.