Ultraviolet (UV) Protection for your ultralight aircraft!
Ultraviolet protection for your ultralight aircraft!
spray gun. We destroyed several nozzles before reading the instructions and obtaining the proper cleaner.
Question: Are there any draw backs to using this product.
Answer: Yes! First if you need to pull your battens out, or damage a wing
in any way, it will cause cracking in the aerothane coating. This can be
repaired by simply sanding with wet sandpaper and re-applying the
If you have an aircraft that folds down into a bag, or one that you break
apart for storage, remember all parts that have been sprayed can not be
folded down, or taken apart!
Another draw back is WEIGHT, you might be applying as much as 25 lbs of aerothane to your craft depending on
how much surface area you have.
Question: Are there any other advantages to using this coating, besides UV protection?
Answer: Yes! The product makes the craft easy to clean as grease and oil do not stick to it. Pilots have also
reported an increase in cruise speeds, of up to 5 m.p.h. after Stits was applied.
Question: Can I still use A0100 if my craft has been covered with
Armoral or AP 303.
Answer: I have successfully applied A0100 after a thorough cleaning
with the recommended Stits cleaner, followed by a thorough washing
with soap and water, followed by a good rinse in water.
Caution: One aircraft that we did that had been recently coated in
AP303, Fish Eyed on us, even after doing all of the above.
Ultraviolet (UV) Protection for your ultralight aircraft.