Ultraviolet (UV) Protection for your ultralight aircraft!
Ultraviolet protection for your ultralight aircraft!
Question: What equipment do I need to apply the coating?
Answer: This product can be applied several ways, by brush, by roller, or
by spraying it on.
The system I use and have had good results with is the spray on
technique. It does require that the person applying the product have
some knowledge of proper spray techniques, and application.
The other two systems do work but are not as professional looking when
the job is finished. A good spray job looks as if it has another layer of
clear fabric, right on top of the dacron.
Question: Are there any secrets, or hints for the first time user?
Answer: Yes! Use as little air pressure as possible when spraying, do all spraying in a well ventilated area, wear
protective clothing, including overalls, gloves, and breathing apparatus.
Ensure that the area you are using is free of dust, otherwise the dust will show up in the finish in when it dries.
When applying give the whole craft a good tack coat, and wait about 20 minutes between coats. Mix only the
amount of material required (it is a two part process) at one time,
and to the specifications recommended by the manufacturer.
Temperature plays an important role in the application and drying
process so make sure that these recommendations are followed. This
information is available in the Stits Poly Fibre Aircraft Coatings
Catalog #300, and can also be found on the instruction side of the
AO100 can.Also make sure to have on hand the proper thinning agents
(if required), and cleaning solvents. A0100 hardens very quickly in the
Ultraviolet (UV) Protection for your ultralight aircraft.