Piston failure causes in two stroke aircraft engines, low octane
causes piston failure, alcohol or water causes piston failure.
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Diagnosing Rotax 2 stroke aircraft engine piston failure, low
octane, alchol, or water causing piston failures.
2 |
2A |
Pistons - (Ref: 2 & 2A)The piston shows yellow spots on the dome and
seizure marks on the skirt but there is no sign of metal aluminum.
If you inspect an engine and find yellow or yellow-orange deposits on the piston
dome, that engine has experienced an abnormal combustion condition known as detonation. In
this situation, combustion begins normally with ignition from the spark plug but as the
flame front moves across the combustion chamber, rather than burning smoothly, the
unburned portion of the charge spontaneously ignites. This results in extremely high
temperatures and a shock wave heard as "pinging." What has happened is
combustion has been completed in about 29 degrees or crankshaft rotation instead of the
normal 50.
The oxide of calcium, an element found in 2 - stroke oil additives, is normally near
white in colour. At temperature very near that of the melting point of the piston, the
oxide will change colour from white to yellow-orange and is an indicator that the engine
was overheated. The excessive heat results in rapid piston expansion and possible failure
of the lubrication film.
- too low an octane fuel used or fuel with too much alcohol used
- jetting too lean or failure of the fuel system, i.e., clogged fuel line or filter, fuel
tank not venting, problem with fuel pump, carburetor,m air leak into crankcase
- spark plug heat range too hot
- ignition timing too far advanced, possible failure of the c.d. amplifier box
- restricted exhaust system: back pressure too high
- overheated, loosely-installed spark plug
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