Buccaneer XA troubleshooting - landing gear

The tail wheel has also proven to be a problem area for some pilots. When taxiing in and out of water sand enters the bearings that help the tail wheel pivot, and into the bearings that allow it to turn. This can result in seizure of the tailwheel, and the locking up of the pivot.
The only solution was to rinse this area out regularly, and to replace the tailwheel if it became damaged. We found that the wheels and pivots, used on local super market carts worked very well.
Probably the most troublesome area of the Buccaneer XA has been the landing gear. The first gear were fibre glass rods. These lasted about a dozen landings then cracked and broke.
These were replaced 2024 aluminium gear, these lasted till the first hard landing or overweight pilot got in to fly. These were updated to 7075 T6 aluminium, which has proven to be more durable.
One problem with the 2024 and 7075 gear was that they were reported to crack or break at the end where they were cut to fit into the main gear leg stop. This was remedied by readjusting the cut so that it was round rather than at a right angle, and by reversing the cut in relation to the hull. This requires the purchase of new gear, and new gear leg stops.
The tail wheel was supported by an L shaped bracket that retracted via a cable. This bracket has been reported to bend, especially during operation from rough, or sandy fields.The bending of the tail wheel bracket or main gear can result in lower than acceptable clearance between the hull and landing surface. This of course can lead to damage to the hull.
The main landing gear retract system was controlled by bungee cords. The use of the incorrect cord can result in pilots not being able to retract properly, the gear falling out during flight, or coming loose and turning in the socket.
When coming into land on land in a Buccaneer XA it is always a good idea to check:
- to make sure that your landing gear is down, (don't forget the tailwheel)
- to make sure that the gear has not come loose or turned in the socket.
- it is also a good idea to always have an extra length of bungee with you just in case.