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Changes in relative humidity 
Changes in air temperature 
Pre-ignition or detonation
Fault spark plug or ignition system
Improper prop load
Poor quality or grade of fuel
Improper fuel air ratio, plugged main jet, failed needle jet, or clip
2.9Fuel Pressure
As mentioned previously, it is recommended to maintain a constant fuel pressure under all conditions.
Additional monitoring of fuel pressure by means of a fuel pressure gauge may also be considered. One such
suitable gauge is manufactured by Westach and is available for pressure of 16psi and 80psi.
Figure 3.3.1 Westach fuel pressure gauge 029.20/029.21
2.10Model Identification plate
The model plate is attached to the intake side on the upper part of the crankcase This also includes the serial
number of the engine and must be quoted should a warranty claim be required.
Figure 3.4-1 (Position of the Model Plate)