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The Ultralight News
10Trouble Shooting
10.1Engine Does Not Start or is Difficult to Start
Cause:  Lack of fuel
Solution: Insure fuel switch is on
Insure fuel filter is clean
Insure that fuel is in the tank
Cause:  Defective or discharged battery
Solution: Replace battery
Charge the battery
Cause: Lack of compression on one or both cylinders, due to a loose spark plug or a defective
piston, piston ring, cylinder head, or cylinder:
Solution:  Tighten spark plug to prescribed torque, or ship engine to the manufacturer or an
authorized Hirth service centre
Cause: - No spark or weak spark due to defective spark plug, spark plug cap, or a defective ignition
Solution: Replace spark plug, spark plug cap, or have the manufacturer or an authorized Hirth
service centre replace the defective ignition
10.2Engine will not Idle
Cause :  Idle speed set too low
Solution: On the carburettor, screw the idle stop screw in
Cause:  Idle speed set too high
Solution: On the carburettor, screw the idle stop screw out
Cause:  Idle mixture set incorrectly
Solution: Turn the low speed adjuster so that correct idle is insured
Cause:  Defective ignition
Solution: Ship engine to Göbler-Hirthmotoren or an authorized Hirth service centre
10.3Engine Runs Rough, Uneven, and with Insufficient Power
Cause:  Dirty air filter
Solution: Clean or replace air filter
Cause:  Dirty or defective spark plugs
Solution: Clean or replace the spark plugs
Cause:  Dirty fuel filter
Solution: Clean or replace fuel filter
Cause:  Fuel mixture has too much oil in the gasoline
Solution: Empty tank and fill with fuel of the proper mix
Cause:  Defective sparkplug caps
Solution: Replace the spark plug caps