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The Ultralight News
3Monitoring Apparatus
It is recommended that the cylinder head temperatures, the exhaust gas temperature and the fuel pressure be
The basic setting of the engine guarantees a problem free-engine function under the general installation
conditions. It is very important for safe running of the engine that the cylinder head, exhaust gas temperature
and the fuel pressure are monitored.
The equipment listed in Table 3-1 can be purchased from AATI Pty Ltd.
Table 3-1
Description Part No.
Westach Exhaust gas temperature measuring device (2x, as a set) 029.30
Westach Cylinder head temperature measuring device (2x,as a set) sparkplug 14 mm 029.31
Westach Cylinder head temperature measuring device(2x, complete) sparkplug 10 mm 029.32
Westach Fuel pressure measuring device 029.20
Westach Tachometer 029.14
3.1Cylinder head temperature
To allow for expansion of the piston in an air cooled engine, the tolerance between the piston and the
cylinder wall is essential for expansion and contraction. As the piston and cylinder heat under normal
operating conditions they expand, the piston becomes "larger" while at the same time the cylinder walls
expands. Engine manufactures allow for this "expansion" and "contraction" when they produce the engine.
Normally a Hirth air cooled engine should read between 350F to 410F on a cylinder head temperature gauge
(CHT). When an engine overheats the amount of expansion between these parts is greater than allowed - the
piston becomes too tight in the cylinder and the piston "seizes' creating permanent damage to the piston and
or cylinder wall
Figure 3.1.1 Dual Westach CHT 029.31/029.32
AWestach CHT (Figure 3.1) gauge uses a Type K thermocouple, which requires no power. The
thermocouple produces a small voltage which to work properly requires good continuity to reach the
The thermocouple, which is available in two different sizes depending on the spark plug used -  is mounted
under the spark plug, and replaces the spark plug washer.All of the Hirth two cylinderengines use a
10mm or a 14mm probe.