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Loehle Sport Parasol Ultralight Aircraft
Loehle Sport Parasol Ultralight Aircraft
Coming in at # 11 on our list of ultralight aircraft that give you the biggest bang for your buck is the Loehle Sport Parasol
This all wood single place part 103 legal ultralight aircraft was designed by Mike
Loehle to be a fun flying affordable ultralight.
To that end he uses all wood geodetic construction for the fuselage, tail and wings.
The Sport Parasol is covered using standard aircraft covering materials. Building
times are reported to be in the 350 to 500 hour range.
No special tools are required when building the craft as all welded components are
supplied ready to install. A builder can take on this project in the space of a one
car garage.
Mike Loehle sells the airframe minus engine. The Sport Parasol can be powered by
a variety of engines including Rotax, Cayuna, Kawasaki.
The Sport Parasol is a high wing taildragger, but has some of the best handling and performance of any aircraft in it's class.
Depending on engine choice the Sport Parasol can be airborne in as little as 150 feet, climb out at over 800 feet per minute and
can cruise all day long at 55 mph at less than 5,000 rpm on a Rotax 447.
The Loehle Sport Parasol's cabin area is large enough for pilots up to about 225 lbs, and has a drop down side door to allow for
ease of entry and access. A small windscreen provides protect from the elements and bugs.
The Sport Parasol is a rudder dominated aircraft in that you initiate a turn with the rudder pedals and then follow it with aileron.
The craft has a very gentle stall, at about 30 mph. It gives plenty of warning that you are approaching stall, both on the stick and
rudder pedals.
To recover one simply comes forward on the stick or adds power and the plane recovers immediately. The Sport Parasol showed no
tendency to drop a wing.
Visibility for landing is great, and when you put it into a side slip it comes out
of the sky like a rock. A comfortable approach speed is 50 mph, with touch
down coming in at around 35. But be warned this little angel loves to fly and
will float forever when landing especially on a paved runway and a hot day.
A pilot can land the Sport Parasol on it's mains, but my preference is a three
point stall in style landing which gives instant ground control, so I don't have to
fight a crosswind with the tail still up.
If you are considering the Loehle Sport Parasol I would recommend a runway of
750 feet, clear at both ends. You can get it down easily in that area, but on
wet grass, with the light weight of the craft you will find that the brakes are
very ineffective.
Loehle Sport Parasol - 12 Ultralight Aircraft that give the
biggest bang for the buck!