12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - Ultralight News.

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12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - by UltralightNews. 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - by UltralightNews. Light Sport Aircraft Pilot Report on the ???

Buckeye DragonFly ultralight aircraft

Buckeye DragonFly ultralight aircraft


Ultralight News HomePage 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - 1 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - 2 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - Images and Photographs. 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - Video Ultralight News HomePage Ultralight News HomePage Buckeye DragonFly Ultralight / Powered Parachute.
Coming in at # 12 on our list of ultralight aircraft that give you the biggest bang for your buck is the Buckeye DragonFly. The DragonFly is powered by a 33 HP, 4 stroke high torque engine, which revs out to a low 3500 rpm. The engine uses a belt reduction drive and puts out an amazing 265 lbs. of thrust. This combination of engine, reduction drive and prop is very quiet and burns only 1.3 gallons of fuel an hour at 2700 rpm, giving the plane over 3 hours of flight time with fuel in reserve. The unit is available in a three wheel and four wheel model. The standard chute used is a Performance Designed 360 sq ft. chute which has proven to provide very docile handling characteristics. The craft uses a center stick for throttle and ground steering, pushing the stick left or right turns you in that direction while moving the stick back increase throttle and makes you climb, pushing forward decreases throttle for descent.
In air steering is accomplished by pushing foot control bars left and right. Because the DragonFly uses a reliable four stroke engine standard instrumentation is only a Tiny Tach and hour meter. The plane is currently being delivered in kit form taking approximately 24 hours to complete. The kits are very easy to assemble, it is basically two halves a right and a left built around a center. The three wheel units have a six foot wheel base while the four wheelers have a 4 foot front wheel base and a 5 foot rear wheel base which allows them to fit between the wheel wells of a standard pickup truck box with the tailgate closed. Or in the case of a short bed standard pickup you can leave the tail gate down and the unit still fits. Buckeye also has another version of the 4 wheeler that features big balloon style tires. These tires allow take offs and landings from soft beach style sand landing strips.

Buckeye DragonFly PPC - 12 Ultralight Aircraft that give the

biggest bang for the buck!

Buckeye DragonFly Ultralight Aircraft with four stroke engine and belt drive reduction system. Buckeye DragonFly Ultralight Aircraft ready to fly. 12 ultralight aircraft that give the biggest bang for the buck - 2