Raven Redrive, Metro Geo aircraft engine conversion for Quad City Challenger ultralight.

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Metro Geo engine conversion for ultralight aircraft.

Looking for a powerful, reliable, 1000 hr TBO, fuel efficient (2 gph), 4 stroke engine for your Flightstar, Challenger, Rans S14, SkyRaider, or Kolb?ravenflatmount2.jpg (56607 bytes)

It appears that Raven ReDrive Inc. out of Boulder Colorado may have just what your looking for. Raven Re-Drive as taken their, 3 cylinder vertical Suzuki conversion, laid it down sideways, dry sumped it like the 912 Rotax, and designed an intake manifold which uses an altitude compensation Bing carb. For those concerned about carb icing a Metro Geo factory preheated manifold system is standard.

In this configuration the engine package with alternator and starter comes in at 112 lbs and puts out 58 horsepower. The unit uses a 2.33 to 1 belt reduction drive, cruises at 4200 rpm, on just over 2 gallons of fuel per hour and peaks out at 58 hp at 5700 rpm. According to the factory "this combination will spin a 3 blade 68 inch IVO prop with 10 degrees of pitch and put out 325 ft. lbs. of thrust."

"This has proven on gyro's and two place trainers to give a fuel burn of 2.5 gallons per hour, and as low as 1.3 gallons per hour on units such as trikes."

Raven Re-Drive has also designed a twin rad kit and mount using recycled Metro Geo heater cores, that can work in both tractor and pusher applications. In addition they offer an  optional exhaust with  customer header that comes in at just over 3 lbs.

While the factory is quoting TBO times of 1,000 hours they are quick to point out that "our engines are designed to cruise at 4,000 rpm, which is exactly where the car engine would be operated at" "the Metro Geo engine has can easily go 150,000 miles in a car application - at 50 mph that would be 3,000 hours!"

For more information contact:

Raven Redrives Inc.
1025 Rosewood Avenue Suite 100
Boulder Colorado 80304

Raven Redrive, Metro Geo aircraft engine conversion for Challenger ultralight.

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