New for 2000 from Paladin
Industries is the Paladin SPARROW. The Sparrow is a lightweight
(145 pounds), Part 103 compliant single seat powered parachuted designed
with all of the features and technology of larger ppc's!
Unique to the Sparrow is the TiltBar
HANDSTEERING. This is the same style of steering found on most trikes.
Ground steering is also the same as on a trike, the nose wheel is push
left to go left - right to go right. The throttle is located on
the trike bar, it is lever across, that is pull in with your fingers to
accelerate, release to slow down. Other features on the Sparrow
include in-line shock struts, and a four-point harness. Maximum
payload 250 pounds, power is supplied by a 30-hp Hirth F-33 engine.
The Sparrow uses a "High Pro" chute of 370 sq. ft. According
to the factory the kit is a bolt together unit and should take
about 30 hours to assemble with simple hand tools.
For more information contact:
Paladin Industries, Inc.
7300 N. US Route 130, Bldg. 13
Pennsauken, NJ 08110