Quicksilver MX axle, Quicksilver MX axle failure, Quicksilver MX axle
bolt hole elongation.
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Quicksilver MX axle failure, Quicksilver MX axle bolt hole elongation.
Aircraft: Quicksilver MX
Incident report
The owner of a Quicksilver MX has just flown cross country with three other MX pilots to a
local Airfield By Appt Only, with restaurant. After landing and having lunch the three pilots set up for
their return flight. The first pilot takes off, at about 15 feet in the air the aircraft
collapses and falls out of the sky. The other two pilots rush to the scene of the
accident. The pilot involved in the accident can be seen climbing from the wreckage.
Although cut and bruised, he has suffered no serious injuries.
On examination of the
wrecked aircraft it is discovered that the main axle has broken at the point the the lower
tail wires fasten to the axle.
The owner confirms that the axle has been bent for some time, but that he had not noticed
any cracks or elongation of holes. Further examination of the other side of the axle
reveals that the holes in the axle, where the tail wire retaining bolts go through, and
the down tubes attach, are elongated.
It is suggested that if you are flying on a bent axle that you inspect this area
immediately for damage, and that the axle be replaced if any damage is evident
Also see Troubleshooting the Quicksilver MX |
Quicksilver MX main axle
failure. |
Quicksilver MX main axle bolt
hole elongation. |
Airfield By Appt Only
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