Ultralight Associations, Ultralight Pilots Association,
Manitoba Ultralight Association, Pacific Ultralight Flyers Association,
Recreational Aircraft Association, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association.
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Ultralight Pilot
Association Home Pages
Canadian Pilots Associations
Calgary Ultralight Flying Club
The Calgary Ultralight Flying Club COPA Flight 114 is a
Calgary, Alberta, Canada based club for those interested in building
and flying ultralights.
Click here
Challenger Owners Association
Challenger owners exhibit an infectious enthusiasm for
their aircraft. With over 3,000 worldwide, that's a lot of
Click here |
C.O.P.A. The
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association supports the freedom of
all Canadians to fly.
Click here |
The MUA is a non-profit organization
dedicated to the support and encouragement of ultralight flying and
ultralight pilots in Manitoba.
Click here |
P.U.F.A. The
Pacific Ultralight Flying Association (PUFA) has been in
existence since 1983. Its members are comprised of ultralight
pilots, owners and others predominantly from the lower mainland.
It was formed in order to create a forum for aviation
enthusiasts to share experiences and exchange ideas with fellow
flyers. It has long been appreciated that there are many
benefits of a club made up of people interested in similar
activities. |
R.A.A.C The
Recreational Aircraft Association of Canada
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Ultralight Pilots Association of Canada
UPAC, is the national voice for Canadian Ultralight Pilots.
The organization was formed in 1986 when the Ultralight Aircraft
Association of Canada (UAAC) and the Microlight Owners and
Pilots of Canada (MOPAC) joined forces. UPAC speaks for Canadian
ultralight aviation interests in discussions with the federal
government. We are committed to protecting the rights and
privileges of all ultralight pilots and owners to assure freedom
of flight in a minimally controlled flying environment. Our only
focus is ultralight flying
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United States Pilot Associations
A.S.C. Aero Sport Connection
Supporting the Ultralight Flying community for the good of the
Community. Click
here |
has the benefit of the EAA Ultralight
Council, which represents a vast
spectrum of ultralight aviation ... airpark owners, ultralight
flight instructors, dealers, chapter presidents and fly-in
chairmen. The EAA Ultralight Council is responsible for
developing policy and goals for EAA ultralight programs and
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U.S.U.A. United States Ultralight
Association - As the world's largest ultralight association, we
help make playing in the air more fun, more exciting, more
economical, and more accessible. USUA members seek to
Protect and Represent" ultralight and microlight aviation
in the United States. With this support, USUA serves the
interests of its members and the ultralight and microlight
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