Kit plane buying, ultralight kit plane building, ultralight kitplane
maintenance, ultralight kit plane storage facilities.
The staff at L'il Hustler ultralight aviation has been building, designing
and repairing ultralights, and kit planes since the 1970's. During that
time we have accumulated a great deal of knowledge and experience in the
field of light sport aircraft.
We can help you find your plane
through our knowledge of the kit plane market. |
We can build your ultralight aircraft kit or
supply assistance in the construction. |
We can supply you with a wide range of professional tools allowing you to
complete your kit plane faster. Builder’s Assistance Program, which
provides you with from start to finish with help in any area of
construction or supplying you with a ready to fly kitplane.
Professional assistance and education is provided by people who are pilots
and have been building and repairing light sport aircraft for over 30
We can provide storage for your plane. |
We can provide flight training for craft meeting the Amateur Built,
Advanced ultralight, and Basic ultralight definitions in Canada. |
For hours and
hours of web video interviews on the world of ultralight
aviation subscribe to the Ultralight Flyer web video magazine -
Aircraft News Magazine
Covering the World of Ultralight Aviation
Ultralight Aircraft News Web Magazine Covering the World of Ultralight Aviation .
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