Ultralight News EXTRA
January 2001

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The Bluegrass Ultralight Group is proud to announce

Kentucky’s 5th annual ULTRALIGHT SAFETY SEMINAR                                  

Saturday - January 27, 2001  9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (EST)

Web-cast in Real Video       Lexington KY Weather

The purpose of our seminar is to promote the safety of every ultralight pilot in and around Kentucky. Newcomers will Discover the smart way to enter a new world . Ultralight pilots will enhance their safety skills. General Aviation pilots will learn more about a facet of aviation that may be new to them. This seminar is one of the ways Kentucky aviators are working to produce safe, responsible ultralight pilots.


When: Saturday, January 27,  2001

Where: Kentucky Educational Television     MAP1  MAP2

600 Cooper Drive (off Nicholasville Rd.) near the UK Football stadium

Hotel Options    ( Most people attending stay at the Campbell House Inn )

Lexington Kentucky  KET   859-351-2363

Seminar: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST)

Registration: 8:00 - 8:45 AM (EST)

Lunch will be available at the KET building


This Seminar is free and open to the public but donations are accepted to cover the travel and hotel expenses of the speakers. Another way to support the seminar is by purchasing a lunch ticket when you register. We appreciate your support, it allows us to host this very important event.

 Speakers:Wind Sock

Scheduled to appear:

Frank Beagle - The Voice of Oshkosh and Sun -N- Fun

Rockin John - John Carr of Powered Parachute fame and Author of  "The Paraflight Experience"

Kevin Rutland - Trike Pilot and Author of "Flying with Angels"

Mark Smith - Quicksilver Expert and all around good guy! He hasn't written a book yet but he has enough knowledge about ultralights to fill dozens of books :-)

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Ph.D. - Risk Perceptions in Ultralight flying

Dan Johnson - Test pilot with almost 5000 hours, and aviation reporter for magazines like Kit Planes and Ultralight Flying to name a few. Dan is VP of BRS the safety chute company.

Dan Leslie - Owner of Videogram Productions. He has produced video's about PPC, Gyrocopters and much more. Dan also host the satellite TV show called "Rotor/Wings Sport TV"


We will be having an "AFTER THE SEMINAR DINNER" this year. Our guest speaker for this dinner will be EAA Ultralight Hall of Fame member Chuck Slusarczyk . Mr. Slusarczyk is the owner and designer of the well known CGS Hawk Ultralight. The CGS Hawk was the first ultralight to have landing gear. This is only one of the "first" that Mr. Slusarczk is responsible for in our great sport. To top it off he is a very entertaining speaker. This will be a night you will never forget.

  •    Saturday, January 27, 7 PM - ???
  • $20 in advance or at seminar. Seating is LIMITED
  • RSVP & Information contact Paul Huber 859-253-2611 (days)


During the seminar weekend we will have two special events:


  • Friday - January 26th  9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M (EST).: BFI Refresher Course - MAP

                                 Covers bi-annual requirements for renewal of  ASC/EAA BFI rating.

                                 Presented by Casey Stiles                               

                                 Cost - $ 50.00 per participant in advance                                

                                 RSVP & Info contact   Paul Huber  859-253-2611 days


  • Sunday - January 28th  10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.(EST): Engine Work Shop -  MAP

                                 Hands on Top End Overhaul and De-carbon workshop - Bring your tools

                                 Presented by Alan Laymon of  "Solo Aviation" and

                                 Brian Milburn of  "Lite Speed Aviation"

                                 Cost - $45.00 per person or $10.00 for BUG members

                                 BUG membership is only $25.00 per year. Join BUG and pay only

                                 $10 more for a work shop that will save you hundreds in the long run.

                                 RSVP & Info Alan Layman 859-336-8494


*** For more information, contact: Danny Mullins, 606-663-8233 or Casey Stiles, 859-734-2032 ***

This message brought to you by the Bluegrass Ultralight Group!

B.U.G. The Bluegrass Ultralight group home page.

For the BUG'S email list information, send email to

BUG@dlmail.ket.org or visit:

Bug E-mail List


Can't make it this year ????? Sorry to hear that. Here is the next best thing to being there.

Click "REAL VIDEO" , for a link to the seminar web-cast live as it happens on January 27th.

Test your browser and Real Video system at the link above before the seminar starts. You won't want to miss anything.


Within the next year, some aviators could be able to take off into the wild blue yonder with nothing more than a steed to fly, some basic training, and a valid U.S. driver's license (flattering photo preferred) as their medical ticket. EAA and several ultralight organizations have been working with the feds to institute a Sport Pilot certificate -- which would require written and practical tests, but no medical exam -- and it is close to becoming a reality. Such a category, filling the gap between unlicensed ultralight flyers and recreational or private pilots, would allow a pilot to fly and carry a passenger in VFR daytime conditions in unpowered or light single-engine two-place aircraft that don't quite fit into FAR Part 103.


The FAA is still working on details, so all of this is subject to change, but here's what will likely happen. A subcategory to FAR Part 21 will allow "light" aircraft -- under 1,232 pounds and with a stall speed of 44 mph or less -- that exceed the limits of FAR Part 103 to be certified as experimental "light" aircraft that can be operated by sport pilots. A new category under FAR Part 21 would allow the "light" aircraft to be sold as ready-to-fly by manufacturers.


EAA's goal is a flexible pilot certificate that would allow current ultralight pilots and future sport pilots to fly and carry a passenger without the need for a third-class medical and what EAA calls "financially burdensome, unnecessary training requirements." EAA is expecting that the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) will be published by early April, and is asking the ultralight community (where rumors about the NPRM are rampant) to wait until they see the rule before commenting on it. Once the NPRM is published, interested parties will have 90 days to speak their piece, and by late 2001, there should be a sport pilot rule on the books.

NOTE: For additional details on how the Sport Pilot certificate will work, go to AVweb's NewsWire http://avweb.com/n/?02a 

Sun N Fun April 8 to 14th http://www.sun-n-fun.com/

The Sun 'n Fun offices are located on Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, Florida. Our office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time weekdays. You can reach us at:

Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In
P.O. Box 6750 Lakeland, FL 33807, Tel: 863-644-2431, 
Fax: 863-644-9737

TORONTO AVIATION & Canada's Largest Indoor Aviation Exhibition Canada's Biggest Fly-In Event May 4, 5, & 6, 2001 The Hangar Downsview Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1-877-T.O.-FLY-IN (863-5946) (Toll Free)
1-705-457-3188  (Telephone)
1-705-457-9225  (Fax)


SOME CLASSROOM HELP FOR HOMEBUILDERS, ULTRALIGHT INSTRUCTORS If the Airbus A380 is a little steep for your pocketbook, and you'd like to build your own set of wings, EAA is offering to help with type- specific weekend workshops to be held this year in Georgia, California  and Wisconsin. Teaming with Van's Aircraft, maker of the popular RV kits, EAA's SportAir Workshops will focus on honing the construction skills required to complete the project. Dates, locations and registration are available online. EAA also is offering an Ultralight Flight Instructor Ground School next month in Oshkosh, Wis. The session will be held at the EAA Aviation Center March 17-18. NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire http://avweb.com/n/?03b  includes links to sites that provide more information about both programs. 

EAA WANTS TFRS TO BE LESS CONFUSING, BURDENSOME... An FAA plan that would effectively ban ultralights from any area operating under Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) is drawing protest from EAA. The FAA issues TFRs whenever unusual flight activity warrants, such as during this past weekend's presidential inauguration. EAA is asking that the portion of the rule that excludes ultralights be rewritten to allow their participation with certain authorizations. 

...AND MORE PRACTICAL OVERALL Earl Lawrence, EAA vice president of government programs, says the plan is overkill. "Under the proposed rule, [all] pilots would have to memorize individual special events subject to TFRs." Lawrence says the EAA's option is far more practical: Use NOTAMS and other means to get the word out to pilots instead. NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire http://avweb.com/n/?04a  has additional information on the FAA's TFR plans.

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Full Lotus Floats
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