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Ultralight News EXTRA!
Volume 2 - Issue 1 - 2000 
Covering the world or ultralight aviation!
January 2000 circulation 1268 subscribers!

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Full Lotus Floats

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Marco Polo Ultralight Rally 2000 Organizing Committee

The Marco Polo Ultralight Rally 2000 collaboration of multinationals is truly exciting and a theme we are committed to follow in assembling the event organizers, participants and sponsor partners. Over the last sixty days we have been extremely busy increasing our core group of organizers with distinguished colleagues known throughout the event management world for their talented execution of global events. 
These individuals bring expertise in terms of marketing, security, logistics and hospitality planning as well as inroads to the broadcast community. We are currently in the process of negotiating support for the evolution of our web site that will facilitate our burgeoning global collaboration via the Internet. At that time we will post the BIOS of our team and a wealth of event information will start flowing on a regular basis. Among our newest collaborators, we are most fortunate to count the award winning Robin Shepherd Group out of Florida and New Jersey. 
As part of our sponsorship program launch, they created a beautiful interpretation of our event marketing platforms and we will be sharing some of the artwork in the near future on our new web site. Our official sponsorship program launched November 22nd with companies identified for event involvement from the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia. We endeavor to partner with 8-12 sponsors that have sophisticated global appeal and embody the vitality, strength and avant-garde spirit of the Marco Polo Rally 2000. 
As such, we desire to align with innovative market leaders who zealously set themselves apart from the competition. In particular, companies whose high quality products and services will be an integral part of the success of the Marco Polo Ultralight Rally 2000. We continue to acquire the necessary information that will allow us to formalize the competition rules and formally make inroads with appropriate government officials. 
"The Dream" has crystallized and is rapidly taking shape as we surge forward in making this exciting global event a part of aviation history. Stay tuned Marco Polo Ultralight Rally 2000 Organizing Committee
Web Sales Technologies

If you like flying, then you don't want to miss the incredible tale of Mike Blyth and Olivier Aubert's recent flight in a pair of microlight trikes across South and Central America, North America, Africa, etc.
Total distance flown: about 43,000 km. Read their daily logs and browse the photo gallery to learn about this amazing adventure. Congratulations to both men on the successful completion of their epic trip. Details at: 

The Bluegrass Ultralight Group (BUG)  will be holding a 3 day Safety Seminar in Lexington, Kentucky. This year it's going to be bigger & better, THREE DAY'S! 
Starting off on Friday Jan. 21st. is a BFI Refresher Course.   Covering biannual requirements for renewal of BFI rating. Then Saturday Jan. 22nd. is the 5th. annual BUG Ultralight Safety Seminar with a great list of speakers.
*Frank Beagle - " The Voice of Oshkosh"
*Dennis Demeter - Contributing editor to Ultralight Flying Magazine
*Kris Jerome - General Mgr. of the The New Kolb Aircraft Company
*Dan Leslie - Producer of Rotor / Wing Sports TV
*Mark Smith - Tri-State Kites & Quicksilver Guru
*Jim Stephenson - CEO of Aero Sports Connection 
Day three January 23rd. One Day Engine Work Shop Hands on Top End Overhaul / De-carbon (bring your own)
Here  is the host hotel where the speakers will be staying as well as the evening social activities will be held.
Campbell House Inn   phone 
1-800-432-9254  Go to there web site for directions:  Click here!
For any other information call. 
Paul Huber 
Day Phone # 606-253-2611 
Home Phone # 606-873-1622

Safety Wire - 
1001 different uses!

 If you check out the alert bulletins on site, and the accident statistics you will find a number of instances w
Safety Wirehere the airfilters have come off and gone through the prop. A simple fix is to use safety wire to secure your airfilters to your carbs.
For safety wire installation tips click here!

The Voice Of Ultralights- recovering from heart surgery!

For those who have made the pilgrimage to Sun N Fun - and been entertained by the voice of "VERN PECKMAM," Paradise City's voice of the airways - you will be glad to know that he is recovering at home from heart surgery. If you would like to drop him a get well wish you can do so at .

Walt Colby recovering -

Another well know name in the U.S. ultralight community Walt Colby is also recovering from surgery. Walt has been "another voice" for ultralight pilots at meetings dealing with the FAA. Walt is also very active with U.S.U.A. and E.A.A. and  is involved with the Yankee Flyers Ultralight Fly In in New Hampshire. You can email you best wishes to Walt at 

The NEW Kolb Aircraft Company

Kolb Aircraft of has hired Barnably Wainfan as an aerodynamic and design consultant. He will assist Kolb in and in-depth study of its designs through wind tunnel testing and proto type development of new designs. For more information on the New Kolb Aircraft company you can visit their website at 

NEW from 

The ULTRA-TRIKE helmet was specifically designed for trike pilots needing a full-face helmet that would shield them from the airstream while flying their machines.  The integrated clear polycarbonate face shield may be rotated up while on the ground and can be flipped down for flight. It also has our reliable communication system fully installed. We chose the helmet for its rugged good looks and reliability. 
Audio equipment includes the military M/87 AIC microphone and Hi-Fi speakers. A coil cord is included and terminated with the standard nickel-plated 1/4" plug used or all of our systems. This helmet and its integrated audio system are compatible with all Comtronics intercoms, interface cables (patch cords) and accessories. ULTRA- TRIKE helmets can be purchased without audio, if desired, and can be customized with your own audio system.
For more information contact:
L'il Hustler Ultralight Aviation 
LilHustler's Ultralight News 

Two place Powered Parachute Plans!
Plans available soon for two place powered parachute. Test flights have been completed and it is a dream to fly.The instructional booklet "How to Build Your Own 2 Seater Powered Parachute" is almost completed and will soon be for sale
Click here for more info!

Free Issue of UltraFlight Magazine
Dave, anyone who signs up on our web site can receive a free sample copy of UltraFlight Magazine.  
Jim Byers  - UltraFlight Magazine 
Click here for FREE ISSUE

Free UPAC Membership
Associate membership the board has approved a temporary program of free associate memberships. 
Click here!

Fuel Advisory:  
Do not store fuel for your ultralight or IN your ultralight for more than a month. Octane rating drops when gasoline is stored. If it contains oil (if it is premixed) it will degrade even quicker!  Fuel octane can drop from 92 to 68 in as little as a month if left in storage in the sun, in a vented container such as your fuel tank! Drain old fuel from system, before attempting to start engine, and replace with new fuel. Don't forget to drain the carburetor(s) bowls as well

Now you can watch hours and hours of web video on ultralight aviation! 
Click here 

to subscribe to the  
Ultralight Flyer Web 
Video Magazine!

$15 per year!


Full Lotus Floats
2000 retail prices

L'il Hustler Ultralight Aviation



Sale on Rotax 
912 S
100 HP Engines 
Reg $17,325 

Click here to go to Ultralight Flyer

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Our 5 Star Website of the month! 
Click here!

Drive Shaft Bolt Failure:
MX owners have reported failure of the AN-5 bolt going through the coupler on their
It is recommended that if you are flying a model of ultralight using this type of coupler that the bolt be checked on a regular basis. The proper torque for the bolt is 50 ft. lbs. It is recommended the bolt be removed for inspection and that a new bolt, flat washer, split washer and locknut be installed, if required.

Reward Offered for Stolen Aircraft:
British Aviation Insurance is seeking help in locating a stolen ultralight aircraft.
A L'il Buzzard Ultralight was reported stolen from a private airport near Barrie Ontario Canada. The aircraft is red, and has a white stripe and yellow accent. Registration C- IEWQ, serial # Cays Eyes 1. BAIG is offering reward for any meaningful information that leads to the recovery of the aircraft. Contact 905-479-2244 - ext 225.

Stolen 912 engine:
Sometime during the night of November 24, 1999 a 912 ULS engine (serial number 4425105) was stolen from an aircraft at Airflow Ultralights in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. 
Several other engine components including a stainless steel exhaust system were stolen. Anyone coming across this engine is asked to contact their local authorities.

New Air Park - We are opening an airpark in Southeastern Ky that has a 2400 ft airstrip...hanger rental, and in the future, we will have cabins for lodging.  23 nautical from The New Kolb factory.  Go to the site listed below for details.....the page is under construction but has further information and contacts. 

Ultralight aircraft Photo album
Enter your favourite ultralight aviation photo and you could win an issue of the Ultralight Flyer video magazine!  To enter just send along your photo, with a little info on it via email,  we will enter it in the journal. Then each month visitors will vote for the most outstanding photograph, which will win a volume of the Ultralight Flyer video magazine!!!!!
Click here to enter the ultralight photo album

North Wing Design Inc. moves to Washington State. 

North Wing design manufacturers of hang gliders and trikes has moved into a new "5000 square foot facility" with an addition "4,000 square foot building" under construction. For more information contact:

Northwing Design 3904 Airport Way, East Wenatchee, Washington 98802 905-886-4605 

Paul Hamilton Releases
"Weather to Fly" video

In this Paul Hamilton Adventure Productions video, Dixon White, a USHGA examiner takes you through a simple step by step process on how to acquire and interpret weather data.
The video is approximately 60 minutes in length - and covers both local and regional weather patterns.

For more information contact:
Paul Hamilton Adventure Productions

An open invitation from J & J Ultralights - Florida
     J & J  Ultralights is owned and operated by Roger and Ronavin Johnston.  .
      Gary Lapierra and Patrick Turner complete the team in dual roles as aircraft safety verification pilots and aviation instructors.  
     J & J  Ultralights is located at Wings 'N Sunset Airport.  A   2100' airstrip with landing lights and complete aircraft services makes Wings 'N Sunset a one stop aviation facility. 
Click here for more info

"Ex-airline pilot and wife give lessons in powered parachutes" Shelby, MI (Muskegon Chronicle) -- Flying DC9 jets for Midway Airlines is a long way from flying a machine that has a seat and engine attached to a metal frame and is held up by a canopy parachute. But for the pure fun of flying, Hank Austin will take a powered parachute ride any day. The Austin's, who also fly a Cherokee 6 and Grumman Yankee, offer powered parachute sales and flight training at their Michigan airpark. 
For details click here or
Flightline TV 

Bobby Hester runs through some of the problems he has encountered with a Rotax 582 on his Rans S 12    
I have decided to created this page to share the experiences that I have had while flying my Rans S12xl with a Rotax 582 engine. 

Click here to go to Bobby Hester's 582 tech tips page


L'il Buzzard Ultralight Trainer

EAA Ultralight Hall of Fame established - 
Three of ultralight aviations pioneers were honoured recently by the EAA. Holmer Kolb, Chuck Slusarczyk, John Moody (seen at left) were inducted into The EAA Sport Aviation Hall of Fame. Ultralight News would like to personally congratulate three individuals have given to our sport as no others have! DL
Photo courtesy EAA Experimenter
My apologies if you have received two copies of this newsletter. The system I am using
is new to me and I am still working through it. - DL

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Covering the World of Ultralight Aviation

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