Ultralight News EXTRA!
Volume 1 December 1999

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Full Lotus Floats

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Ballistic Parachute Systems









Welcome to the first edition of Ultralight News EXTRA! This is a monthly newsletter, produced by Ultralight News to bring ultralight owners, pilots and enthusiasts up to date on things happening in the ultralight industry.

It will also bring you information on updates to Ultralight News and the Ultralight Flyer Web video magazine.

The Ultralight Flyer Video web magazine has had about 6 hours of ultralight video added to it in Volumes 6/7/8/9
Click here for more info

Recent additions to Ultralight News include, a Powered Parachute section, which includes a buyers guide, a list of training facilities, etc.
Click here for more info

How to install an in cabin heater in your ultralight!
Looking for a way to put some heat into your ultralight for more enjoyable flying in the cooler weather? Here are two ways of installing heaters!
Click here for more info!
Click here for more info!

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Ultralight News EXTRA!
You will receive a monthly newsletter packed full of information related to ultralight aviation! 

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Sale on Rotax 
912 S
100 HP Engines 
Reg $17,325 





The World is Not Enough

Powered parachutes inspired by Para-SkiClick to view the original image from Club James Bond 007 International's machines and dubbed Parahawks appear in a major chase sequence in the 19th James Bond movie, "The World Is Not Enough".

Click here for more information!

Owners and Pilots Forums
We have added a number of owners and pilots forums to the site. Each forum includes its own bulletin board, chat room etc.

The purpose of the boards is to give owners and pilots a way of communicating with each other.

Aircraft featured include the, Phantom, Ragwing, TEAM, Flightstar, Quicksilver, Drifter. So if you own one of these planes and would like to keep in touch with pilots and owners drop in and sign up!
For more information click here!

Winter Flying
In the northern part of the country winter is upon us! With it's onslaught pilots should be preparing their aircraft and themselves, for some of the best and potentially some of the most dangerous flying of the year. Are you and your craft prepared.
Click here for more information!

Ultralight aircraft Photo album
Enter your favourite ultralight aviation photo and you could win an issue of the Ultralight Flyer video magazine!  To enter just send along your photo, with a little info on it via email,  we will enter it in the journal. Then each month visitors will vote for the most outstanding photograph, which will win a volume of the Ultralight Flyer video magazine!!!!!
Click here to enter the ultralight photo album

Now you can watch hours and hours of web video on ultralight aviation! 
Click here 

to subscribe to the Ultralight Flyer Web Video Magazine!
$15 per year!

L'il Buzzard Ultralight Trainer

I would like to invite you to drop in and browse at:
http://www.ultralightnews.com  - for classifieds, Rotax troubleshooting, ultralight buyers guides and much more.... http://www.ultralightflyer.com  - for web video interviews with ultralight designers, builders, owners, and more....
Ultralight News 

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