Ultralight News EXTRA
 August 2000 edition 

Ultralight, ultralight aircraft, microlight, amateur built aircraft, experimental airplanes, home built aeroplanes, powered parachutes and trike, news and information.

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ROTAX Service Bulletin 912-026 Revision 3 / 914-014 Revision 3 The ROTAX 912/914 Stator Exchange Program has been extended to October 1st, 2000.
Revised versions of the Stator Exchange Program and copy of ROTAX Service Bulletin 912-026 Revision 3 / 914-014 Revision 3 are available via the website at http://www.ultralightnews.com/enginetroublshooting/rotaxsearch.htm 
Callers yesterday to Stoddard-Hamilton, home to Glasair and Glastar composite kitplanes since 1980, were greeted by this recorded message: "With heartfelt regret, we are temporarily closed for reorganization." The recording directs callers to the company Web site for updates, but as of our deadline yesterday no news was posted there. Stoddard-Hamilton, according to its Web site, has more than 2,000 kits in the field and some 800 aircraft flying around the world. No further information was available at our deadline yesterday. NOTE: The company's Web site is:
Lots of airports offer an annual Young Eagles Day, when local kids are invited to take their first airplane ride. But for eight years, EAA Chapter 122 at Capital City Airport near Harrisburg, Pa., has gone out of its way to welcome children with physical challenges such as spina bifida and muscular dystrophy, many of them in wheelchairs, and give them a taste of flight. Last weekend's event included classic car rides, refreshments and entertainment for scores of Eagles and their families. AVweb salutes Chapter 122 for making a good program even more meaningful.
For more information click here.
tra003Building an economical trailer for your PPC 
I'm going to do a step by step building project for making a snowmobile trailer over into a PPC hauler.  This project was started on March 16th, 1999.
Click here for more information.
fender01How to build a $7.00 front fender for your PPC
This simple project is nothing but a 6" 90 Deg. Elbow heavy wall PVC and the radius was done with a pie plate and cut with a jig saw.
For more information click here.
BUILDERS WORK TO RE-CREATE 1911 VIN FIZ JOURNEY - In 1911, a fellow named Cal Rodgers piloted a Wright Model EX called the Vin Fiz across America, becoming the first pilot to cross a continent. It may sound exciting, but the word that might best describe it is terrifying -- Rodgers survived five major crashes and had to repair the engine almost every time he landed. Rodgers' flight was so audacious that a couple of guys have decided to try it again as a way to build interest and publicity for the Wright Brothers Centennial of Flight in 2003. Dana Smith and Ken Whiting, both from Maine, are building two new Vin Fiz replicas to make their own journey. One of the airframes with power train installed will be on display at EAA's AirVenture 2000 Oshkosh. NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire http://www.avweb.com/newswire/news0029a.html has more information on the Vin Fiz flight including a link to the organization's Web site.

I came across this while surfing the web.
Some Second Chantz support:
We buy second chantz chest mount rockets. Fired or not ! Second chantz  is out of business but we are buying and reservicing the chest mount hang gliding & para models should you wish to sell, consign or have yours inspected and serviced. Shoot us an email  5-14-2000

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HKS Back in production offering  NEW 700E

Ellington, CT - HKS, the Shizouka, Japan-based manufacturer of performance automotive parts and aircraft engines, has begun production of a new version of the HKS-700E. The HKS is a four-stroke eHKS aircraft enginengine used in Light aircraft, PPCs and Trikes. In development and testing for nearly two years, the new 700E has improved cooling performance and has been further optimized for pusher installations. 
 The HKS 700E is a 60HP, horizontally opposed, two-cylinder, four-stroke engine. The 700E uses a combination of high technology and simplicity to achieve the twin goals of high power output and reliability. HKS delivered a new generation of 700E to HPower last year to field qualify the engine for sale in the US. 

HKS will replace all engines delivered to owners of the previous model as part of honoring the warranty. 

“We are pleased to be associated with a company like HKS,” states HPower President, Tom Peghiny. “HKS has shown that corporate responsibility is not hypothetical. We have, through their support, kept HKS owners in the air during this long period of development and testing.” 
HPower delivered over 80 engines and to date they have been installed in over 20 types of aircraft. The engine is now offered as an “official” option on aircraft such as the ASAP Chinook, the Hytek Hurricane, Flightstars, Harmening’s High Flyers, Thunder Gull Odyssey, CGS Hawk and, most recently, the Murphy Maverick and Sky Raider lightplanes. For more information please contact: 
HPower, Ltd. 
PO Box 690 Ellington, 
CT 06029 
Tel. 860-870-5499 

Come One! Come All! The 12th Annual Fly-In is ON!

On Sunday, September 3, 2000, Drainville Aviation and the members of the Louiseville Aerosport Club are once again inviting all pilots in Quebec, the Maritimes, Upper New England and eastern Ontario to fly-in for an old fashioned Quebec country get together with music, hotdogs, refreshments and good company! Any kind of light and ultralight aircraft is welcome to join us for this special day. Last year we were thrilled to see over 80 aircraft visit during that brilliant, warm day!

The airfield is located 1 km from the center of bustling downtown Louiseville. This picturesque little Quebec town is located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River just 20 kms west of Trois-Rivieres and 110 kms east of Montreal on Highway 40.

When you arrive, the airfield frequency to use will be 122.8 and the runway will be either 27 or 9 using left-hand circuits. Ground traffic will be guided by club member "officials" using radios who will be dressed in colourful "uniforms" (red hats and t-shirts). We ask you to respect instructions of the controllers to ensure safety on the ground as well as in the air. (No aerobatic, formation or demonstration flying can be permitted during a fly-in.)

Club pilots and members of their families will be there to welcome you and accomodate any need you might have such as refreshments, food, restrooms, a First Aid station, gas or just good conversation! Unserviced camping spots are also available at the airfield and an above-ground pool will cool off the kids! And, of course, showing off your aircraft is not just OK, it's expected! You will see some beautiful airplanes, both commercial and homebuilt, and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between the two!!! Last year in addition to the Aerocruisers, the Rebel, the RV-4, the TEAM Hi-Max and the commercial Cessnas, there were ultralight trikes, Cadys, Nordics, Skypups, a Pietenpol, Beaver RX550 ultralights, a Chinook, a Challenger II, a paraglider and a gyrocopter to name only a few of the wide variety of aircraft that were present.

Like last year, there will be a number of exhibits on show by people of various interests including an expert collector of aviation items. As well, there will be workshops on light aircraft construction techniques packed with tips for the amateur builder.

If you would like more information about last year's fly-in, check in at the club's website at: http://www.decollage.org/gerg/ or email either Serge Germain in French (gerg@decollage.org) or Neill Graham in English (ndgraham@sprint.ca). We'll get back to you asap!

We're looking forward to seeing you so keep your fingers crossed for good weather. (The event will simply be cancelled without rescheduling in the event of inclement conditions.) We should tell you, though, that in the twelve years that the Labour Day Sunday Louiseville Fly-In has been held, the weather has always been great!

See you in the air at Louiseville !

Airventure 2000 - Ultralights down on the farm
For more info Click here!

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