Rotax points ignition wiring diagram, Bosch points ignition engines
wiring diagrams for Rotax engines. |
company held a contest for kids with the theme: "The nicest thing My
Father Ever Did For Me."
One kid answered "He married my mother." |
Click here for this months specials! |
Bosch points ignition engines wiring

One of the things that many pilots fail to realize is that the output
wires from the engine to the tachometer need to be shielded if a radio is
installed on their aircraft. In addition the ignition shut off wires and
the charging system wires ALSO need to be shielded!
These three systems, ignition, tachometer and charging all can cause
radio static or interference just as an improperly connected strobe light
- How to minimizing noise in
radio and intercoms:
Most strobe driver units are designed with filtering and internal
shielding to keep radio interference to a minimum, however
occasionally noise will be heard over the radio or intercom This noise
is almost always caused by the way the systems have been installed.
One must remember that noise does not always come from the power that
is being supplied to your equipment.
here for more information
This information is provided
as a guide for shielding your aircraft for the successful installation
and operation of any AM radio system. Engines used in ultralight
aircraft are traditionally two stroke 20 to 75 horse-power units which
use a magneto to generate electric current in order to produce a high
energy spark for ignition. This type of ignition is reliable and
effective and used on most aircraft utilizing gasoline-fueled engines.
here for more info!
- You
might want to check out gauging your engine!
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