Ultralight information, information on ultralights ultralight aircraft information, ultralite aircraft, ultra lights, powered parachute information, trike and microlight information.

 Ultralight Aircraft News
Covering the World of Ultralight Aviation


Airfield By Appt Only
(by appointment ONLY)

Click here For Rotax Aircraft  
Engine Information

The L'il Buzzard, L'il Hustler, and L'il Hustler SS two place ultralight trainers and light sport aircraft.

Top 10 reasons to consider a
 L'il Buzzard, L'il Hustler or
L'il Hustler SS!

Click here for Google Map driving directions to Airfield By Appt Only.

 Click here for this months specials!

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Aerial photography - Digital aerial photography - over 40 years experience!

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packed full of information about ultralight aviation!

Ultralight aircraft information section!

The World's first Lightsport and Ultralight Aircraft weekly web video webcast!

If you have high speed internet and Windows Media Player installed you can watch our weekly Light Sport and Ultralight aircraft webcast!

Each issue is 25 to 35 minutes in length and is live on the web for 7 days.
Click here for more information!

Ultralight aircraft buyers guides

Single place ultralight aircraft kit buyers guide
Two place ultralight aircraft kit buyers guide
Plans for ultralight aircraft that fit the Canadian Ultralight definition of 45 stall speed - 1200 lbs. gross weight!
Antique and classic ultralight buyers guide
Trike information section
Powered Parachute information section

Buying and rating an ultralight aircraft

Top 20 rated single place ultralights
Top rated two place ultralight trainers
A 10 point ultralight aircraft buyer's guide 
How to buy a used NOT abused - ultralight!
Troubleshooting the Full Lotus Float system used on ultralights.

Ultralight aircraft builders and ultralight aircraft pilots

For links to aircraft group links Click here.
Ultralight aircraft builders section

Ultralight aircraft tips and accessories

Proper ultralight ski installation.
Building a set of ultralight skis
Protecting your ultralight propeller.
A heater for you ultralight  aircraft - aircooled
A heater for your ultralight aircraft - liquid cooled engine.
An ultralight aircraft communications system.
Ultralight aircraft financing
BRS - Ballistic Parachute Recovery System's Boris Popov
Removing exhaust residue from your ultralight aircrafts fabric covering.

Ultralight Aircraft Advisory and troubleshooting section

Ultralight Aircraft troubleshooting reports
Ultralight Aircraft accident data. 
Ultralight Aircraft Alert Bulletins
Ultralight Aircraft Alert/Advisory Notification system.
Ultralight Flyer Video Magazine 

Ultralight News Main Index

Make yourself visible to others when your flying...... Strobe lights make you visible! Click here for more information!

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